Saturday, September 25, 2010

Italian Signs, OC Streets (pace Fred)

Bank of Italy
Chiarini Fountain
I propose an ongoing, semester-length side project to find, identify, and post photos of "Italian signs" (identifiable traces of Italian American and Italian artistic, cultural, commercial, and other influences) in Orange County.  If, as you go about your day in Orange County, you notice something potentially interesting that fits this description, please take a photo with your cellphone and send it in.  To start us off, I chose perhaps two of the best known: 1. the faded 'Bank of Italy' sign in Old Town Orange, by the circle; 2. the Chiarini Fountain in the Artist's Village of Santa Ana.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Orange International Street Fair 2010

The student volunteers from ITAL 348 to the Sons of Italy Italian Pavilion at the Orange International Street Fair (3-5 September, 2010) seemed to have fun and were certainly very welcome by Sig. Peter Dito and company. Pete and the Sons of Italy send a warm thank you to Lauren, Kathryn, Kelly, Giovanni, Mauri, Mayuri, Florencia,  Colin, Lacey,  Stephanie for all their hard work and dedication. It is great to see students get involved in a community event!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Benvenuti! Welcome!

Benvenuti and Welcome to the In Italics blog of Chapman University's ITAL348-01 course in Italian American Studies.  This blog is for all students of the course and friends, supporters, and sympathizers of our activities and endeavors.  I hope this can become an additional, fun forum for us to discuss what we do and study.